Tuesday, July 20, 2010

30 Day Meme: Day 16 - A Song That Makes You Cry / Or Nearly (NSFW)

Sederhana aja, lagu apa yg bikin gue mewek? Sbenernya ada banyak lagu yg bsa bikin gue mewek karena brbagai alasan. Tapi cukup satu aja gue tulis yg sbenernya (A SONG), ga prlu banyak2. Ini penting dlm nulis meme ini supaya ga prlu banyak2 dan akhirnya ga kerepotan sndiri.

Title : Secretly
Singer : Skin (Deborah Anne Dyer / Pea Narni)
Band : Skunk Anansie
Writer : Skin, Len Arran
Album : Post Orgamic Chill
Genre : Indie, Rock
Year : 1999

Lagu ini bikin... hmm apa ya? Ga hanya mewek. Tapi emosional. Ga prlu gue kasi taw alasannya knaps. Tapi gue bsa sampe mukul tembok en bener2 jadi emo. Lagu ini indah bgt tapi penuh duka. Liriknya bnr2 mnohok sampe ke jantung hati. Prtama kali dnger lagu ini dsbuah film keren, Cruel Intentions. Tapi saat itu gue blon ngeh bgt, msh ingusan lah. Bbrapa taun kmudian, saat gue lagi jalan di cuaca brsalju, lagu ini tiba2 brkumandang entah dari gedung mana. Gue sampe brenti en dngerin liriknya betul2. Man, that's deep. Gue sampe trmangu sndirian di jalanan gelap yg brsalju tebel itu.

I've been biding my time 
Been so subtly kind 
I got to think so selfishly 
'Cos you're the face inside of me 

I've been biding my days 
U see evidently it pays 
I've been a friend 
With unbiased views 
Then secretly lust after you 

So now you feel rusty 
You're bored and bemused 
You wanna do someone else 
So you should be by yourself 
Instead of here with me 

Trying hard to think pure 
Bloody hard when I'm raw 
You talking out so sexually 
'bout boys 'n girls and your friggin' dreams 
So now you feel lusty
You're hard and confused


So now you've been busted 
You're caught feeling used 

You had to do someone else 
You should've been by yourself 
Instead of here with me 

Artinya? Ga prlu gue jelasin. Tapi yg jelas, when you're in a relationship, either there's always some other fucker getting in the way, or there's something that gets in the way. Fuckity fuck a duck...


Muslim Anshori M, said...

Suka bagian ini.. :)

marie olive said...

pengenn denger lagunya. ada di playlist?

hani nhk said...

itu, uda gue posting kok. tnggal klik videonya.

Ibu Ranger Harley said...

*masih mikir2, gw apa yaa*

isaac mister said...

one of the saddest and heartbreaking songs i've heard.
skin is so sexy.
her voice... amazing.

hani nhk said...

yep, gue agak sedih karena skunk anansie bubar. dan skin yg skrg solo malahan jadi kurang sukses. tapi emang suaranya skin... wahh, gue pasti mewek. suaranya RAW bgt en penuh pnghayatan.

Bimo Pribadi said...

gw ada album ini dan keyeeeennn abis. sontrek Cruel Intentions emang jawara.
btw vokalisnya itu yang cewek kayak cowok botak itu kan?

hani nhk said...

album soundtrack cruel intentions atau albumnya skunk anansie?

vokalisnya si deborah alias skin.

Bimo Pribadi said...

sontrek cruel intentions
skunk anansie nyaris ga pernah denger lagunya.. tapi tau hehe

hani nhk said...

ye....... abis loe tadi bilang loe punya albumnya. gue rekomen bgt dehh loe punya lagu2nya skunk anansie. itu baru artis yg punya visi bgt.