Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Official Trailer

The Official Trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D.

Edmund Pevensie and Lucy Pevensie, along with their cousin Eustace Scrubb, find themselves swallowed into a painting and on to a fantastic Narnian ship headed for the very edges of the world. Joining forces once again with their royal friend Caspian X and the warrior mouse Reepicheep, they are whisked away on a mysterious mission to the Lone Islands, and beyond. On this bewitching voyage that will test their hearts and spirits, the trio will face magical Dufflepuds, sinister slave traders, roaring dragons and enchanted merfolk. Only an entirely uncharted journey to Aslan's Country - a voyage of destiny and transformation for each of those aboard the Dawn Treader - can save Narnia, and all the astonishing creatures in it, from an unfathomable fate.


marie olive said...

saya suka nih narnia,saya punya semua buku2 chronicles of narnia. sebenernya lebih enak baca bukunya,daripada nontonnya.Special effectnya terasa masih kurang dibandingkan harry potter atau sejenisnya.

hani nhk said...

gue juga uda baca buku2nya narnia, dan emang itu buku utk anak2 skali jadi emang kalah dbandingin sama harpot yg smua umur dari anak2 ke dewasa. kalo soal special effect... mngkin lbh condong dari kputusan studionya dan soal budget. warner brothers vs disney trus ganti ke fox. jadi emang... soal budget.

Marshall Bruce Mathers IV said...

pasti ditonton..wlo ga antusias2 amat hehe

hani nhk said...

buku dawn treader kayaknya ga ada perang dehh.... pengen taw bakalan dbikin gmans supaya seru filmnya...