Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kondangan (My Best Friend's Wedding)

Smalem salah seorang best buddy gue got married di Bandung. Scara ga ada yg bsa gue ajak buat nemenin gue, akhirnya gue ciao aja sndiri ke Bandung, nyetir. Uda biasa sih pergi ke Bandung naek mobil, tapi biasanya kan rame2, jarang sndirian. Nyak uda marah2 aja gue mo cabs sndirian. "Mnta temenin sapa kek?" Gue jawab smuanya pada sibuk, malahan temen2 gue yg laen pada bilang ke gue, "Loe aja yg jadi wakil2 kita yahh... Kita smua pada ga bsa." Monyong, emangnya gue ga ada krjaan apa? Emang sih wiken ini gue lagi kosyong, dan kbtulan gue uda niat bgt pergi -- soalnya he's my best buddy.

Uda gitu best buddy gue sblon merit smpt dateng ke Jkt, sngaja nemuin gue, en ngundang gue ke kawinannya. "Please ya, Han. Dateng donks. You're my buddy."

Nyak marah2 soalnya gue cabs sndirian, sdangkan dia ga kuasa nahan gue. Soalnya dia sndiri ada acara. Awalnya dia mo batalin acara dia, trus pergi sama gue. Adoohh, males bgt dehh gue dengerin dia cuap2 di kuping gue, "Kamu kapan kawinnya? Kalo gini kan biar bsa dtemenin suami!"

Enyway, gue ciao jam 3 sore dari Jakarta. Surprisingly, ga trlalu macet. Malahan yg macet di Bandungnya. Sejam gue mandek di daerah Buah Batu, soalnya gue mo mampir ke rmh ua gue dulu buat mandi, solat, en ganti baju sgala. Buseet, masa jam 6 baru nyampe. MACET bgt Bandung skrg... Uda gitu isinya mobil2 Jakarta smua. Yeehehehee...

Jam 7 gue cabs lagi dari rmh ua gue mnuju ke Jl. Aceh. Gue ga trlalu kenal daerah Bandung, dan gue ngandelin peta dari undangan doanks. Nyasar2 bntar, nanya arah2, akhirnya gue nyampe juga ke gedung kawinannya. Sbenernya gue lbh seneng kalo bsa dateng siang2 dan langsung ke gereja tmpt dia merit daripada ke resepsinya, tapi siang kmrn gue baru bangun jam brapa tau dehh. Abis ngerapiin make up di mobil di parkiran, baru dehh gue masuk. Itu uda jam 8 malem lebih.

Duile, kok rasanya pada ngeliatin gue ya? Apa krn baju gue aneh? Apa rambut gue aneh? Padahal uda nyalon lho, sama luluran sgala  Apa krn gue dateng sndirian dg cueknya? Wahaha, emangnya gue pikirin. Pokoknya langsung ngantri buat salaman. Gue seneng dg interior resepsinya, panggungnya gede bgt trus ada ensemble orchestra music classic lengkap dg konduktornya dan cello serta biola. Pengantin cewe pake baju dress putih, lengkap pake veil tipis, uda kaya Barbie Bride gitu. Gue pikir mereka bakalan pake adat Cina atau gimana, tapi mereka pake modern style gitu. Gue ga nemu warna merah, adanya warna ijo putih dan silver...klasik bgt. Dan gue dkasi buku notes coklat dg bungkus poutpourri.

Naek panggung, stelah sikut2an sama tamu2 laen yg nyerobot antrian gue, akhirnya gue salaman ama best buddy gue. Dia super kaget liat gue. "OMYGOD, HAN! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU COULDN'T COME!"

Gue cuman nyengir aja. "Surprise. Congratulations ya!" Adooh I was so happy for him. He looked handsome gitu pake tuxedo, kliatan dewasa bgt. Biasanya kan dia ngejeans doanks, dan dia di bawah gue gitu umurnya.

"Sama sapa Han?" Tanya dia sambil meluk gue erat2.

"Gue sndirian aja, langsung lho dari Jakarta." Kata gue. Dia kagets bgt trus ketawa2. Ah, he looked so happy. Many happy returns for him.

Gue ga mo lama2 lahh dsana, masa cengo ga jelas. Lagipula gue msti nglawan arus balik ke Jakarta. Males gue nginep sgala di Bandung, walopun sbenernya gue bsa. Cuman gue ada acara padat di hari Minggu so gue mndingan cabs aja langsung. Stelah basa-basi sama bbrapa tamu yg gue kenal tapi ga trlalu taw, gue langsung cabs. Gue males ganti baju, jadi gue nyupir masi pake gaun gue en spatu hak tinggi (gue lepas, soalnya gue ga prnah nyetir pake spatu). Jalanan agak macet, cuman ga trlalu musingin. UNTUUUUNG, gue tuh pnjem mobil sodara gue -- jadi mobilnya kbtulan ada TVnya. Gue sambil ntn DVD gitu dehh kalo lagi pas macet.

Nyampe Jkt skitar jam 11 malem, krn laper gue mampir dulu di McDonald Pondok Indah Plaza Drive Through. Bener kan, si mas2 yg ngelayanin pesanan pake nanya2 sgala: "Abis dari kondangan ya?" Well, akhirnya gue nyampe rmh jam 12 teng bak Cinderella yg uda hrs nyampe rmh pas tengah malem. Bedanya, yg gue bawa ke rmh bukan spatu kaca, tapi sbungkus French Fries and Fillet O'Fish serta cape stelah 9 jam nyetir. What a night

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Copy Paste

Situs buat mengetahui siapa yang telah menjiplak artikel di blog kita. Caranya cukup mudah, gak perlu mendaftar, tinggal taruh alamat/URL blogmu trus pencet tombol "GO", tinggal tunggu bentar trus langsung keluar siapa yang ngambil ato yang copy paste artikel blogmu. Kalo untuk mengetahui siapa yang menjiplak artikel2 atau postingan2 tertentu maka yg kamu masukkan ke sana adalah link dari judul postinganmu, jadi nanti akan ketahuan siapa yang menjiplak postinganmu tersebut.

Tapi sayang untuk yang versi gratis kita hanya bisa mengetahui beberapa aja, jadi gak bisa mengetahui semua yang ngopy paste blog kita. Tapi lumayan kan buat mengintip dikit. he..he.. . OK bagi yang pengen tahu nih alamatnya, langsung datengin aja tuh kesana.


Opini gue adalah, blogging itu bukan suatu copyright work. Kadang2 kita juga suka copy paste suatu artikel, atau blog seseorang utk ngasi taw mngenai topik yg sedang hangat2nya. Kaya dari Wikipedia, sapa sih yg ga prnah ngutip? Apa itu merupakan suatu plagiarism? Plagiarism adalah kalo kita mnjiplak sesuatu utk mncari keuntungan. Sjauh ini, masyarakat dunia ngeblogging stiap detiknya tanpa mncari keuntungan. I won't say that far about plagiarism.

Tapi gue smpet nemu puisi gue ada di myspace seseorang. Apa brarti dia ngejiplak puisi gue? Scara puisi gue cuman ecek2, gue ga trlalu masalahin. Mungkin dia cuman kepengen naro puisi gue di myspace, so gue biarin aja. Toh kita juga sering naro puisi2 org di blog kita. Tapi lain halnya bila suatu hari gue nemuin puisi gue tiba2 mnjadi copyright dan hak milik seseorang, dan org yg ngejiplak itu mndapatkan keuntungan. Baru lah gue repot.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

Genre: Animation
Bwahahahaha! Baru kali ini gue ktawa ngakak sampe ga bsa napas nonton animasi kartun di bioskop (bukan Disney pula!). Gue awalnya punya low expectation waktu ntn ni film, krn 1). Bukan Pixar, 2). Dibikin oleh Dreamworks (not a fan, sowry). Ga nyangka gue bsa ktawa en bener2 puas nonton film ini, padahal filmnya cuman sbntar. Kayaknya masih kurang...mudah2an ada sequelnya.

Scara animasi komputer, Kungfu Panda uda menuhin target. Animasinya bener2 halus dan indah, gerakan2nya juga lbh natural. Mungkin udah stingkat Pixar. Apalagi film ini juga nyampur2 animasi tradisional, uda mrupakan plus. Adegan2 actionnya ngalir spt beneran, apalagi gunain teknik kungfu beneran. Voice castingnya juga oke, gue salut sama Jack Black yg emang bsa nguasain komedi. Musik backgroundnya juga keren, dbikin oleh komposer Hans Zimmer yg terkenal, bsa nangkep esensi Cina dan kungfu.

Ada satu adegan yg bikin gue ktawa ngakak dan ga brhenti sampe 5 menit, bahkan pas adegannya uda selesai, gue msh aja ketawa sampe brusaha nutup mulut gue. Asli, gue ga bsa brenti ktawa, temen gue sampe meluk gue supaya gue brenti ktawa. Akhirnya gue ktawa tanpa suara, cuman badan gue sampe trguncang2 dan air mata sampe kluar. Alhasil gue sampe pusing 5 menit kmudian. Adegan tsb ga bsa gue critain, mndingan ntn aja sndiri.

Bener2 gue rekomen abis, jgn beli DVDnya dulu, mndingan ntn di bioskop krn pngalamannya beda bgt. Baru dehh beli DVDnya kalo gambarnya uda bagusan. Nonton film ini ngingetin gue kaya film 'Kung Fu Hustle', dan jalan critanya juga hampir sama lahh.

Yg lucu waktu gue lagi ntn sama temen gue, pas kita baru duduk dan lampu dimatiin, temen gue yg ga tau kita ntn apaan langsung nanya, "Lho, Han. Ini film kartun??? Kirain film Kung Fu kaya Crouching Tiger, Hidden Panda!"

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th

Hari ini jumat tgl 13 ya? Huehehe...

Harry Potter Prequel: Published Story

Hasil karya prequel dari J.K ROWLING, trmasuk para pengarang2 laennya spt NEIL GAIMAN,  yg bocor di internet. Silahkan baca kalo bsa, soalnya ini tulisan tangan asli pengarangnya. klik or click the handwritings.

Her story is set three years before Harry Potter's birth, and features the youthful wizard's father, James, and series character Sirius Black. The pair are confronted by two policemen after a high-speed motorcycle chase, and evade the authorities using their broomsticks and magic.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


One of the best series ever! Gue baru suka sama ni seri agak2 lambat, kira2 baru skitar episode ke 4 ke atas dehh gue baru sadar kalo ini series keren banget. Awal2nya nonton, gue agak2 sangsi dan sdikit bored krn mereka sdang build-up serinya. Tapi bgitu uda mulai tengah2, nahhh! Wah wah wah, keren!

Torchwood itu spinoff dari seri Dr. Who, seri sci-fi dan fantasy yg uda lama. Gue terus terang aja penggemar Dr. Who, walo hanya kadang2 nonton serinya juga. Tapi gue suka bgt sama Torchwood krn tokoh2nya yg padat dan ada perkembangan karakter. Critanya kbanyakan Sci-Fi dan fantasy. Anggep kaya nonton Supernatural dan Buffy di sisi horor fantasynya, dan Star Trek serta Firefly di sisi sci-finya, dan full drama serta action.

Kadang2 serem sih walo agak2 cheesy. Tapi akting para aktornya emang keren2. Dan SUPER GANTENG pemeran utamanya, Captain Jack Harkness diperankan oleh John Barrowman, kaya perpanduan antara Indiana Jones dg Captain Picard. Penuh wibawa tapi super santai.

Oh ya, seri ini yg pasti buat dewasa bgt. Dan ga smua org suka ntn seri ini karena ini seri British dari BBC Channel. Banyak yg complain ke gue bahwa mereka ga ngerti aksen Inggris mereka. Padahal Captain Jack aksennya org Amrik lho. Dan juga Captain Jack itu bisex, jadi kalo ada yg ga comfortable ama love story antara sesama mndingan hindari aja.

Torchwood itu organisasi rahasia spt Men In Black dan X-Files yg tugasnya nangkepin alien2 jahat (dan hal2 brsifat supernatural) dan mempergunakan teknologi alien utk menjaga prdamaian bumi. Seru dan dramatis, gue rekomen ke sesama penggemar atau fans sci-fi utk enjoy seri ini.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Life is like a box of, chocolates

Life... is like a box of chocolates.

A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf-down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers...

Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. I arise in the morning between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.

Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity... I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.

I was first struck by the absence of time, having dependen on it so completely as a measure of my self and my life; moving backwards into the perpetual night it consumes purpose, indeed, all passion and will. The heavy weight of my burdens which I had once borne, there's no justice or judgment without which truth is a vast... dead... hollow. Do not look into the abyss or let the abyss look into you; awaken the sleep of reason and fight the monsters within and without...

Life may have no meaning. Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove. For there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.

But now I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth. Time passes in moments... moments which, rushing past, define the path of a life, just as surely as they lead towards its end. How rarely do we stop to examine that path, to see the reasons why all things happen, to consider whether the path we take in life is our own making, or simply one into which we drift with eyes closed. But what if we could stop, pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes? Might we then see the endless forks in the road that have shaped a life? And, seeing those choices, choose another path?

The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening. It is a little star dust caught, a segment of the rainbow which I have clutched.

I don't have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, which I'm not absolutely sure of anything, and many things I don't know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask why we're here and what the question might mean. I might think about it a little bit, but if I can't figure it out, then I go on to something else. But I don't have to know an answer... I feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in the mysterious universe without having any purpose, which is the way it really is, as far I can tell, possibly.

It does frightened me.

Perhaps we are looking at this from a wrong perspective; this search for the meaning of life, the reason of God. We all have this mindset that the answers are so complex and so vast that it is almost impossible to comprehend. I think, on the contrary, that the answers are so simple; so simple that it is staring us straight in the face screaming its lungs out and yet we fail to notice it. We're looking through a telescope, searching the stars for the answer, when the answer is actually a speck of dirt on the telescope lens.

At This Point In My Life

I've done so many things wrong, I don't know if I can do right. If you put your trust in me, I hope I won't let you down. If you give me a chance, I'll try. You see it's been a hard road, the road I'm traveling on. And if I take your hand, I might lead you down the path to ruin. I've had a hard life, I'm just saying it so you'll understand. That right now, I'm doing the best I can.

Although I've mostly walked in the shadows, I'm still searching for the light. Won't you put your faith in me. We both know that's what matters. You see, I've been climbing stairs but mostly stumbling down. I've been reaching high, always losing ground. You see, I've conquered hills but I still have mountains to climb.

Before we take a step...
Before we walk down that path...
Before I make any promises...
Before you have regrets...
Before we talk commitment...
Let me tell you of my past. All I've seen and all I've done, the things I'd like to forget...

I'd like to live as if only love mattered. As if redemption was in sight. As if the search to live honestly. Is all that anyone needs, no matter if you find it. You see, when I've touched the sky... The earth's gravity has pulled me down. But now I've reconciled that in this world, birds and angels get the wings to fly. If you can believe in this heart of mine. If you can give it a try, then I'll reach inside and find and give you all the sweetness that I have.

At this point in my life...

Dark Side of the Moon

Society rot and this mess of a world will perish.

There isn't any love. Not simple love. Love is based upon life and events and I have no place in this life, nor in the events that are besetting it. Strangely enough, I do not feel tearful. I don't feel anything except maybe a hollowness. Or cheated. But not by anyone nor by anything. Cheated by life and by my dreams. In the face of unexpected, love is meaningless.

Love is always selfish - unless that love can be all embracing. I am just another bystander, another member of the general public witnessing the private suffering of a society to which I don't belong. The tears of suffering and the strained, shaken voices of tension and fear are the same whatever story they may be telling. The routine enquiries; the wearisome, unflagging diligence of people, the sniffing out of any juicy details to add spice to a tired old dish that was already stale to the jaded palate of an over indulged society.

It seems that sensation dulls quickly and must be constantly increased and heightened in order to make its effect felt. If all sensation was momentarily removed from a body, what would be the result? Is death, in part, the ceasing of sensation? Where is the seat of sensation? In the body or in the mind? Is pain reality - or an idea only to be in mind?

Pain can lead an expert to discover a malfunction in the body. In the case of a body already racked with pain, will an increase of pain ever be noticed? Does the mind become numb and unable to respond? Does the mind die before the body, leaving it to twitch into quiescence a few moments later? Is there a moment at which a sensation-seeking society reaches its fill and sensation ceases to be effectual in a surfeited mind?

Silent night, one endless dark.

Like people, each of stars in the sky is a person, living out her own span, under her own conditions, in her own time. How marvellous, if we could only see it. How monstrous, that we can't. Maybe, somewhere out there, is that great big mission control in the sky; directing our course, telling us when to eat, and when to sleep and when to prepare to die.

Strange names from another world; our world; hopelessly inadequate, wildy inept. Why do we do that? Like television to the Dayak and refrigerators to the Eskimo. Dream is as dead as the rest of it. Just a big lump of dust forever tied to the universe.

Gone. Going WHERE?

If zero and infinity are equal illusions, where is there to go? Maybe I have gone somewhere. I'm flying round the dark side of the moon - out of sight and of all that is familiar. It's not unlike being asleep... Or dead.

Forgive me.

I am the symbol of my age. I am the personification of the works of human being. I am the final outcome of the technocracy that we worship. Through me we are reaching beyond the bounds of human probability. Don't get me wrong... I know that I would be nowhere without the science of scientists and the computer programs of the technocrats. I am needed to experience and having experienced, to express. I am needed to color the picture. Machine cannot do that, because the machine doesn't feel.

Whoever heard of a machine that was afraid of the dark? My strenght is that I am; because in that one fear is the whole universe. That vast unknown, unknownable that encompasses us and is at the heart of us.

Forgive me.

I am in space - a term that we use to describe the indescribable state of dimensionless, timeless, placeless NOTHING that surrounds us. If one is at the point of death, would you have one tell you how one's heart is pumping; or would you have one whisper nothings from across the gulf, where one has glimpsed and you have not? To understand the mystery of death, look up at the stars on a clear night... To understand the mystery of eternal space, watch a sleeping kitten...

Who put me together?

Don't give me that bilge about eggs and sperm. Who put me together; or the cat or the rat or the bat or the good red herring? We don't know NOTHING. Where are we going? NOWHERE. Space is nowhere; nothing, void. What are we playing at?

Do you ever wish you were dead, or that you had never been born? I did. Because I couldn't bear the responsibility of living.

The dark side of the my life. A mysterious world, full of doubts, hedging off my view of the world, cutting me off from my own identity. I am a body that allowed to sink into the deepest sea. I am the only earth that is this side of nowhere. I am a body with a mind that is telling me that I am a body. A mind that can create my late dad, so that he stands before me and smiles and nod. Without effort he can be made to frown and shake his head; smile and nod, and so on.

If I close my eyes - I can dream about my parents. I can dream 'someone' my first love, I can dream Pouss my blind cat and my surrogate father. I can dream sakura trees in blossom and Cleveland downtown rising out of the early morning haze like a vision. I can dream...

It's a bit like learning to walk, or to swim, or to fly. Why am I doing it? What am I doing it for? The fame, the glory and the money? Or because it's here to be done? Is that why we do everything? There are first times... The first time we do something the moment when that thing comes into existence? Was there a creator before the creation? Was there God before man dreamed Him? The chicken or the egg?

What a dream.

A floating dream. A place to live. Don't let me ever spoil it. Don't let me speak or act. Don't let me ever wake up.

Forgive me for not being able to fit into the pattern. Forgive me for failing; for not finishing the game. Did you only survive for as long as the idea of survival existed and after that there would be no mind left to ask the questions... No mind. No ideas, then?

Where do we go in our dreams? Who is it who goes there? Whereever and whoever, the body is still lying on the bed, at home, wrapped in blankets, deep in sleep. I am not this body. It's no use you all screaming at me to speak. I can't. Because I'm not here. I'm not this body.

How can space contain love? It is good place to start from - and to come back to. It is all there is. Space. Space within the heart. Society is rot and will perish. I am not sure I'll be witnessing that.

Little Mushroom

I am a mushroom
With the colour of my skin
Standing here on the ground
Different from the other leaves
Yet invisible

I am a mushroom
More pale than ever
But still standing on the ground
Rough on the edges
Nobody notices me

I am a mushroom
With the uncertainty on my behalf
Stil standing on the ground
Watching the falling leaves
Wishing to be one of the leaves

I am a mushroom
Shrouded in falsehood and lies
I stand frozen to the spot unable to cry out
Waiting for my time
Is it my time yet, little birdie?

I am a mushroom
This fragile little disposition
Days gone by and still wishing for the same thing
Somebody save me from this empty jungle
Trying reaching up to the sky

I am a mushroom
Look at the dying sun hanging on cloudy day
Exhaust the little moment
Soon it dies and be it gash or gold
It will not come again in this identical disguise

I am a mushroom
It is so easy to take for granted the growth on grass
The sheen of limestone
The way melody in a symphony rises and falls
It is so easy to exist instead of living

I am a mushroom
The sound I hear is a murmur compared to the tolling of immortality
I stares at the horizon
Look at the view, little mushroom
Look at the view

I am a mushroom
Listen to my silent scream
Can you even hear me?
I am waiting
Is it my time yet, little birdie?


Dark Passenger

I'm...not sure what I am.
I just know there's something dark in me.
I hide it.
I certainly don't talk about it.
But, it's there, always, this dark passenger.
And when he's driving, I feel...alive.
Half-sick with the thrill, the complete wrongness.
I don't fight him.
I don't want to.
He's all I've got.
Nothin' else could love me, not even...especially not me.
Or is that just a lie the dark passenger tells me?
Because lately, there are these moments when I something else.
It's like the mask is slipping, and things...people...who've never mattered before are suddenly starting to matter.
Scares the hell out of me.

Made of Honor

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Sbenernya gue ga mo ntn film ini. Gue jarang bgt ntn film chick-flick di bioskop, mndingan di dvd aja. Soalnya kan suka simpang siur britanya; ada yg bilang jelek ada yg bilang bagus. Kalo uda bgitu ya mndingan ntn aja. Akhirnya ntn bareng tante gue. Surprisingly, filmnya lumayan. Patrick Dempsey punya knack utk film2 tipe bginian kaya "Enchanted". Dan kali ini dia bsa charming lahh. Michelle Monaghan ga trlalu mnarik di film ini, kaya anduk basah bgt. Yg nyelametin film ini cuman si Dempsey doanks.

Pada dasarnya ya "My Best Friend's Wedding" lebih lucu dan lbh bagus. Film ini kbanyakan klisenya lahh, tapi cukup mnghibur. Yg mo ntn bareng temen2 cewe dan pacarnya, silahkan aja.

Btw, gue smpt brantem sama tante gue soal judulnya. Kan sharusnya yg bener "MAID OF HONOR" kata tante gue. Emang bener, soalnya kan artinya 'pengiring pengantin'. Tapi "MADE OF HONOR" artinya dsini adalah 'terbuat dari wibawa' (sgitu lah kira2) krn tokoh utamanya suka bo'ong sama diri sndiri dan bo'ong sama sahabatnya krn dia trlalu pride utk ngasi taw feelingnya. Hence the title, emang sngaja judulnya dtulis kaya gitu. Baru dehh tante gue diem gue jelasin, huehehe.

The Cleaner

Genre: Comedy
Gue kecele ntn film ini di bioskop: uda mahal soalnya pas wiken, bareng sama temen gue pula kan kasian. Gara2 trailernya gue pikir lucu. Tumben, Han, kok bsa kecele? pdhl biasanya ga prnah brbuat ksalahan macam gini, huehehe. Biasanya kan gue slalu baca review dan rating dulu. Kalo uda ada indikasi filmnya jelek, mndingan gue nunggu dvdnya aja.

Singkatnya, ini kaya Bourne Identity versi komedinya. Gue biasanya suka sama Cedric the Entertainer, cuman ga taw knaps kok sumpah ni film KAGA lucu sama skali. Oke, skali2 ada adegan yg bikin cekikikan, tapi ya abis itu udah. Yg anehnya lagi, satu bioskop GA ADA yg ketawa. Makanya aneh, nonton film komedi kok sepi banget?

Makin aneh lagi, gue sampe ketiduran nonton ini di bioskop. Sbenernya kalo film jelek, gue pasti kluar dari bioskop. Cuman ga enak sama temen gue, akhirnya gue sabar aja.... alias ngantuk. Temen gue ngebangunin gue pas filmnya kelar.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ghost Hunters: TAPS (season 1 - season 4)

Asli, gue dicela2 nonton reality show ini. "Ihhh, ngapain segh nonton bginian? Duuh, Han, ini kan bo'ongan! Han, gue pikir selera loe lbh baek dari ini!" Dan laen sbagainya. Well, screw you guys. Huahaha. Gue ktagihan nonton ni reality show, justru bukan dari segi hantu2an atau horornya. Tapi dari segi dramanya.

Ghost Hunters adalah reality show ttg para pemburu hantu dari Amrik (anggep kaya versi Amerikanya 'Berburu Hantu') dan premise dari show ini adalah nemuin tmpat2 yg kata org berhantu, dan brusaha memberikan faktanya kalo hantu tsb ga ada. Kalo versi Indonesia lbh condong ke segi paranormal dan mistik, kalo versi Amerika ini lbh condong ke segi ilmiah. Mereka brusaha membuktikan bahwa suatu tmpat yg dianggap angker, belum tentu ada hantunya. Kadang2 di suatu episode, mereka berhasil DEBUNK atau memecahkan misteri tsb dan membuka kedok org2 yg mengaku bahwa tmpt mereka dihantui.

Apakah temuan2 mereka itu asli atau bukan? Pada dasarnya gue ga trlalu peduli mereka nemuin hantu apa enggak, walopun bila di suatu episode mereka menemukan aktivitas paranormal, itu uda mrupakan suatu bonus. Yang seru adalah nonton para pemburu hantu tersebut. Spt layaknya reality show, uda pasti ada tokoh2 yg menarik. Justru itu adalah daya tariknya seri ini. Bedanya sama versi Indonesia yg lbh banyak mnarik sensasi dan mistiknya dan maunya nakut2in pemirsa, GHOST HUNTERS lbh banyak drama dari para pemburu ini.

Para pemburu hantu ini kalo siang kerjanya sebagai tukang ledeng (halahh!), dan ada yg dari brbagai macam profesi. Ada yg bekas tentara, ada yg bekas polisi, ada yg sekretaris dan ibu rmh tangga, dll. Malemnya mereka berburu hantu (halahh!) dg menggunakan peralatan teknologi canggih (taela!) spt kamera infra merah, kamera heat, audio EVP, Elektromagnetic Power, monitor, dll. Mereka masuk ke tempat2 yg katanya ada hantunya, dan brusaha membuktikan tmpt tsb berhantu atau tidak. Kadang2 mereka nemu yg ada hantunya, tapi kebanyakan enggak. Kbanyakan klien mereka cuman nyari sensasi dan manggil mereka supaya tmpt mereka trkenal. Tapi grup tsb membuktikan bahwa gak ada hantu.

Nama grup GHOST HUNTERS ini adalah TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) dan sdh cukup trkenal di amrik. Yg bikin gue seneng ntn reality show ini adalah mereka memusatkan kepada segi cerita hidup para pemburu hantu tsb.

JASON (Jay): ketua TAPS. Ini uda botak, galak pula. Kerjaannya suka maki2 anak buahnya. Dan orgnya skeptik bgt. Walopun liat jelas2 ada hantu di depan muka dia, dia pasti ngomong, "Bah, palsu tuh!"

GRANT: wakil ketua TAPS. Ini org walo uda bapak2, agak2 ganteng gitu loh, hehehe. Dan dia yg kayaknya sabar banget sama anak buahnya. Kadang2 para anak buahnya suka curhat sama dia.

DONNA: asisten TAPS. Ini cewe cantik tapi penakut banget. Kerjaannya curhat sama Grant. Gue suka mikir, jgn2 selingkuh? Soalnya Grant uda merit.

BRIAN: bekas anggota TAPS. ASLI ini cowo NYEBELIN banget! Pengen gue gampar! Mulutnya congor banget dan sok tau. Cowo ini sering banget dimaki2 sama Jason, soalnya kalo kerja ga kompeten bgt, suka bolos, suka nyari2 alasan, dan peralatan2 TAPS yg mahal suka rusak atau ilang kalo dpegang dia. Uda gitu sering banget brantem sama anak2 buah yg laen. Dan dia yg paling trkenal krn waktu itu pernah bertemu muka sama hantu, dia langsung ngibrit dan tereak2, "DUDE, RUN!!!!".

STEVE: Manager Tech alias yg ngontrol peralatan. Stelah Brian dpecat dari TAPS, Steve yg pegang komando. Gue cuman bsa bilang, ini org cool abis. Kalo ngomong sopan dan pelan, tapi cekatan dan bad ass. Waktu mereka ke NYC, ada copet yg ngambil laptop mereka, si Steve langsung ngejar si copet di jalanan. Barangnya selamat. Copetnya ngilang. Tapi sayangnya dia suka takut sama laba2. Waduh...

DUSTIN: penyelidik. Dustin itu walopun cowo baek, cuman agak2 narsis. Kemana2 pasti nyisiran mulu sambil bawa kaca.

KRIS: penyelidik. Kris itu cewe cantik banget (!), dan cukup berani dalam menyelidiki tugas. Cuman anaknya suka serampangan. Lagi menyelidiki suatu rmh, dia suka jatoh, kejepit, atau kekurung.

DAVE TANGO: penyelidik. Hihihi, gue suka ama ni cowo. Tampang skilas kalo dliat kaya Milo Ventimiglia, dan yg trmuda. Dia juga paling antusias kalo nyelidikin sesuatu, serta paling sering dkerjain. Dia juga yg paling loyal.

Gue biasanya ntn seri ini tiap Rabu malem di StarWorld atau bsa liat di Sci-Fi Channel. Tapi blakangan ini gue donlot episode2nya lengkap, jadinya ga ktinggalan. Mnurut gue seri ini cukup entertaining dan menghibur. Ga usa dpikirin soal hantu2annya, kadang mereka ada, kadang mereka ga ada. Anggep kaya WISATA KULINER utk hantu dmana mereka jalan2 ke kota2 dan melihat objek wisata yg ada hantunya.