Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another Blast From The Past

I don't remember the exact date, the exact day, or the exact time. But I remember someone buzzed me outta nowhere from my YM. Looked it up, and an unknown user buzzed me. I frowned and decided it must had been a wrong buzz or some stranger wanted to chat with me. I ignored the buzz when HE appeared and greeted me.

"Hey. It's me.... How are you?"

I froze, and I think it took me about 5 minutes to react. The sonofabitch wouldn't dare to say hi to me.

And yet... here he was. His user name was blinking, and almost blinded me.

He buzzed again. I still couldn't react. There was no way in hell this person suddenly appeared in my life. The very sight of his name blinking furiously in my computer monitor was able to make me speechless and couldn't think straight.

It has been...what? Five years? Five years after that horrendous experience and bad break up? What the hell he wanted?

"Are you there...?"

I typed very slowly. "I'm here."

"How are you?"

He asked me how I was doing. After five freakin' years... what a nerve. Five years without saying a word, no emails, no telephone, no NOTHING and then he got the balls to buzzed into my life? OH I WAS DOING GREAT WITHOUT YOU! I had a nervous breakdown, my dad died, I had to go back to college, and I have to work my ass off to support my family -- so THANKS for asking!

I typed, "I'm okay. How about you?"

He typed, "Pretty much the same. I just moved outta the town. It's quieter, but it's nice. The snow is thicker here. I remember how much you loved snow...."

Snow... How I missed playing in the snow. But thanks for bringing up one thing I can't get now. A freaking SNOW.

I typed, "How nice."

A very long pregnant pause. Did he just got offline? Did he just left what he started? I closed my eyes and typical. He couldn't even finish talking with me, he...

"I missed you."

I think I just had a heart attack reading that sentence. Five years of trying to moving on, five years of distractions and work, that three little words were able to make my brain stopped functioning. Drama queen, I'm not -- but there is such thing as the past can bite you in the end in a very unexpected time.

There was no way in hell he missed me. There is always a catch. What game were you playing now?

"Why?" I asked. I was afraid to typed that one word. Afraid I was going to get sucked into an endless questionable motive.

"No reason... I saw the snow the other day, and suddenly I remember you... I remember we had so much fun." He typed. I didn't say anything. The surge of emotion were coming down on me like a parade of butterflies which managed to flew into my stomach. 10 minutes of silence and I still didn't say anything. I had no idea what to say.

"You hurt me." I finally said. "You kicked me while I'm down."

He typed very slowly. "I'm sorry. For everything I have done. there is no word to describe..."

"How about GO TO HELL?" I said.

"I guess I deserve that..." Silence again.

"Why now?" I asked.

"Because once in my life, I did care about you. But I was a jerk... and always is."

"How big of you to admit that." I said.

"I try... I just wanna ask for your forgiveness."

"You're forgiven. Don't ever contact me again." I signed off.

And I stared blankly to my computer.

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