Friday, September 26, 2008

Secret Diary of A Call Girl

Starring Billie Piper sbg...well, you know... wanita panggilan ;) Sbagian pasti kenal Billie Piper sang penyanyi, sebagian kenal dia sbg Companion di seri Doctor Who sbg cewe baek2... so agak2 surprise aja dia maen sbg cewe super sexayy dsini.

Billie Piper kalo jadi cewe biasa adalah Hannah, tapi kalo jadi wanita panggilan adalah Belle. Dia berusaha mengimbangi kehidupan gandanya. Kluarganya ga ada yg taw kalo dia cewe panggilan, dan temen2nya ga tau nama aslinya. Film seri ini mnceritakan kedua khidupannya, dan bagaimana dia brusaha nemuin jati dirinya.

Banyak sex scenes di film seri ini, tapi msh tamer daripada Sex and The City. Dari segi crita, lumayanlah ada efek2 drama dan sdikit komedi. Tapi kadang2 bosen juga liat si Hannah/Belle bolak-balik dari satu persona ke persona lain. Apalagi si Hannah/Belle ini pada dasarnya 'Breaking The Fourth Wall', alias suka ngomong ke pemirsa ato ke arah TV. Lagi di tengah2 adegan, tiba2 dia suka jelasin ke penonton mngenai sesuatu. Ah, shut up.

Overall, lumayan lah film seri ini. Tapi lama kelamaan ya bosen juga. Btw, krn ini film seri Inggris, banyak yg bilang kalo mereka ga ngerti aksennya. Ya mudah2an kalo beli DVDnya, teksnya bener. Film seri ini brdasarkan novel dg nama yg sama.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Genre: Comedy
Dbintangi oleh Neil Patrick Harris, mini seri ini hanya beredar di internet -- so ga ada di DVD manapun. Film internet yg dibikin oleh Joss Whedon (Buffy TVS & Serenity/Firefly) ini dbuat pas lagi Writers' Strike, dg produksi yg minimalis tapi dg hasil yg maksimal. Lucu, dramatis, dan musikal. Yg prnah ntn episode Buffy The Vampire Slayer yg ada nyanyi2nya, ya hampir sama dehh.

Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris) adalah seorang villain/penjahat kacangan yg kepengen bgt bsa brgabung ke Liga Penjahat. Tapi syarat utk brgabung adl membunuh/mngalahkan Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion), seorang superhero yg sombong. Stiap hari, Dr. Horrible bikin blog ttg khidupan shari2nya dan rencana jahatnya...tanpa sadar kalo blognya diliat oleh para penegak hukum dan sang Captain Hammer :) Dr. Horrible naksir seorang cewe brnama Penny (Felicia Day), hanya dia malu utk menegornya.

Gue nonton mini seri ini ktawa ga abis2nya, en then jadi trharu banget. Lagu2nya keren2 smua, dan akting para aktornya juga hebat. Padahal ini mini seri bener2 cmn skedarnya. Unik dan kreatif.

Mini seri ini bsa dtonton di atau di youtube juga ada.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another Blast From The Past

I don't remember the exact date, the exact day, or the exact time. But I remember someone buzzed me outta nowhere from my YM. Looked it up, and an unknown user buzzed me. I frowned and decided it must had been a wrong buzz or some stranger wanted to chat with me. I ignored the buzz when HE appeared and greeted me.

"Hey. It's me.... How are you?"

I froze, and I think it took me about 5 minutes to react. The sonofabitch wouldn't dare to say hi to me.

And yet... here he was. His user name was blinking, and almost blinded me.

He buzzed again. I still couldn't react. There was no way in hell this person suddenly appeared in my life. The very sight of his name blinking furiously in my computer monitor was able to make me speechless and couldn't think straight.

It has been...what? Five years? Five years after that horrendous experience and bad break up? What the hell he wanted?

"Are you there...?"

I typed very slowly. "I'm here."

"How are you?"

He asked me how I was doing. After five freakin' years... what a nerve. Five years without saying a word, no emails, no telephone, no NOTHING and then he got the balls to buzzed into my life? OH I WAS DOING GREAT WITHOUT YOU! I had a nervous breakdown, my dad died, I had to go back to college, and I have to work my ass off to support my family -- so THANKS for asking!

I typed, "I'm okay. How about you?"

He typed, "Pretty much the same. I just moved outta the town. It's quieter, but it's nice. The snow is thicker here. I remember how much you loved snow...."

Snow... How I missed playing in the snow. But thanks for bringing up one thing I can't get now. A freaking SNOW.

I typed, "How nice."

A very long pregnant pause. Did he just got offline? Did he just left what he started? I closed my eyes and typical. He couldn't even finish talking with me, he...

"I missed you."

I think I just had a heart attack reading that sentence. Five years of trying to moving on, five years of distractions and work, that three little words were able to make my brain stopped functioning. Drama queen, I'm not -- but there is such thing as the past can bite you in the end in a very unexpected time.

There was no way in hell he missed me. There is always a catch. What game were you playing now?

"Why?" I asked. I was afraid to typed that one word. Afraid I was going to get sucked into an endless questionable motive.

"No reason... I saw the snow the other day, and suddenly I remember you... I remember we had so much fun." He typed. I didn't say anything. The surge of emotion were coming down on me like a parade of butterflies which managed to flew into my stomach. 10 minutes of silence and I still didn't say anything. I had no idea what to say.

"You hurt me." I finally said. "You kicked me while I'm down."

He typed very slowly. "I'm sorry. For everything I have done. there is no word to describe..."

"How about GO TO HELL?" I said.

"I guess I deserve that..." Silence again.

"Why now?" I asked.

"Because once in my life, I did care about you. But I was a jerk... and always is."

"How big of you to admit that." I said.

"I try... I just wanna ask for your forgiveness."

"You're forgiven. Don't ever contact me again." I signed off.

And I stared blankly to my computer.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Clock Is Ticking

No, no, not the clock on the wall or my watch. My darn biological clock is ticking very hard like a time bomb. Now, I never believed in such thing as biological clock, I mean what the hell is that anyway? Some old wives tales about how you should get married PRONTO before you're getting older and therefore your vags already shrinkage and won't be able to produce little bastards...I mean, little angelic babies. I never believe in such things, and I always prone with the idea that you get married when you WANT TO and ready, not because you HAVE TO and give up the pressure of marriage from your peers and family.

Oh yes, the pressure is always there. How many times that my peers ask me this particular question: "When are you gonna get married?"

Every. freakin'. time.

It drives me nuts whenever someone asks me that. Not because they care, not because they want to see me happily after -- nuh uh, because they CAN. Because they want to poke their nose to someone else's business and gossiping how EVERYONE ELSE IS MARRIED and I'm not! Why can't they accept the fact that I don't want to get married now?

Case in fact, Facebook really gives me a headache. Not because I'm a bit addicted to it, but because I met my old friends from long long way ago -- and they posts their pictures with either their babies or their husbands or their wives. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them. Everyone deserves a happiness and I'm glad each and everyone of them found one. But still the question is always linger: WHEN?

Butt. out. This is my life, baby -- and I'm holding the steering wheel.

Another case in point; my cousin is getting married. Everyone is so busy helping out, and I'm helping out too. Taking care of this and that and this and that -- you know, sort of things. Of course the subject of marriage always come up, and I manage to turn into sour puss. My face will immediately change to unpleasant. I guess in some point my family kinda afraid asking me these marriage and wedding questions because they're afraid I might bite their heads off.

And the most horrendous thing is, the wedding of my cousin is not even began yet -- another cousin of mine is planning her own wedding for next year! I asked her what's he rush? She's younger than me, she still working her ass off, and I KNOW she's having a cold feet for the marriage thing -- but still wanna go on because her fiancee wanna get married quickly. Me and her fiancee do not get along so well. I am very protective of her, and I really don't want her to get married just because she have to or her fiancee forcing her to... I want her to be ready to accept the amount of responsibility in the future and willing to take any kind of crap that she will have during the married life. Don't crawl back to me and complain if your marriage is not what you think it would be. It's not all rainbow and unicorns all the time.

Do I sound bitter and totally against marriage? Don't get me wrong, and I know you would, I'm not against marriage. It just that most people get married for a wrong reason. Either they get married for LOOOOOOVE or they get married because everyone else get married, or they get married because of their peers. For cripe's sake, you get married because you want to and you're ready for your next step of your future, you ready to accept responsibilty -- and people tends to forget this: When you get married, you're not married to the person whom you love -- but the whole damn family! You join other family and form your own. This is not like Cinderella where they rode to the sunset and dancing all night in the moonlight and happily ever after. There is more to it -- and if you're not ready for it, don't think that you are and convinced yourself, "If I'm not ready now, when will I?" -- the answer is YOU WILL KNOW.

I seriously don't need this crap from everyone that berating me with the same question. Who cares about my age? Age ain't nothing but a number. Who cares about my baby maker? Dude, God will granted you a child if you believe. And if you can't have a child, there's always an adoption -- bring happiness to those who needs it. Every child in this world is your child. Just because they're not your flesh and blood, doesn't mean that they don't deserve your tender loving care.

But what about my clock?

I can't deny that it's ticking very hard, I can hear it so loud. I think I saw some dancing babies the other day. Is this mean I WANT to get married? Not necessarily. Maybe I'm a bit envious from all those couples who are getting married or married and already have kids. I thought about how I almost got married when I was younger, but God showed me the way that it wasn't the time and he wasn't my soulmate. But yeah, I will get married because I WANT TO.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Blast From The Past

I never thought I would say this... I kinda missed him. It was out of nowhere, I saw him at my cousin's birthday party. I know he is a friend of my cuz's family, but I didn't know he'd come to his b'day party. Imagine my surprise when I saw him across the room. I felt like someone just splashed me with cold water. After 10 freakin' years! And saw him again... I was thinking why the hell I broke up with him. We could have a future together... But it didn't work nonetheless.

But seeing him again last night... It brought a lot of memories... Banging myself in the head and thinking whether I made a mistake. I know everything happens for a reason. It wasn't meant to be.

And then we met again... I thought I moved on. Obviously I'm not. Of course I don't know how he feels about me... He's probably already have a girlfriend (or boyfriend ) -- I have no business poking my nose, even though I would like to know.

It was an awkward meeting. I waved first, we hugged and exchanged pleasantry. "How are you", "What are you doing now?" yadda yadda. I have no idea what we were talking about. I was feeling self-conscious about my appearance: my hair looked awful! My dress was ugly, and I gained weight a lot.

And he looked GREAT. Absolutely great, I felt like an ugly duckling. Damn it. It should be the other way around. I wanna look great in front of him! Call it my ego, but when you meet your ex, at least you should look smashing!

And I completely ignored him afterwards. I couldn't bear to talk to him. I wouldn't know what to say! He must've thought I was a bitch during the party because I was ignoring him. I just couldn't stand my cousins who were berating me, "HEEY! LOOK WHO'S HERE!" Shut up, I could see where this goin... I could feel all eyes actually looking at me and him, judging my reaction. Everyone said I have a poker face. I felt bad ignoring him. Well, at least I said goodbye to him when he excused himself from the party. One of the reasons: MY MOTHER. She didn't know he was my ex. Of course afterwards she interrogating me about him. "Mom, it was a long time ago. We were an item but we're not now."


Why? I don't know why. I shrugged but of course in a couple of days my mom will ask me the same question until I feel I wanna jump off the bridge. Why? Because I was stupid and young. Why? Because I was an idiot and thought the earth was flat.

All I know is... I feel like I blew my chance of happiness by breaking up with him TEN FREAKING YEARS AGO. I'm wondering whether my life would be completely different if I stayed with him instead telling him and broke his heart that I WANTED SOME SPACE AND FINDING MY PLACE IN THIS CRAZY WORLD AND DISCOVER ABOUT MYSELF.

How great it turned out to be...

Mira said... "Hey, you guys meet again. Who knows?"

Miracles doesn't happen twice, dear. The first one was free and I blew it big time. Good Gawd.

My cousin was asking him something when I approached them. But they suddenly clammed up when I was near. Damn it, what were they talking about? I overheard something like, "So do you still have feelings for...." And they spotted me and shut their mouths. What were they gonna say? At least... Gimme some closure. If we weren't meant to be, then we weren't meant to be. I can take it.  GIMME A FREAKIN' SIGN!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Shield

Gue ngikutin ini seri sejak taun 2001an, pokoknya waktu gue msh kuliah sampe skarang. Ini seri polisi brutal yg prnah gue tonton. Full action, drama, dan twist. Saking bagusnya, Glen Close sama Forest Whitaker aja jadi bintang tamu bbrapa season. Btapa susahnya dapetin DVD film seri keren ini. Ga jual di Indonesia mungkin. Bagi yg blon prnah ntn, gue anjurin banget buat nonton. Kalo msalnya ga ada DVD, cmn bsa pasrah dg TV Cable yg nayangin seri ini midnight di channel AXN biasanya.

The Shield mncritakan ttg polisi korup bernama Vic Mackey (Michael Chiklis) bersama dg STRIKE TEAMnya di Farmington, LA. Mereka biasanya menangani kasus2 drugs dan prostitusi. Sementara mereka mengamankan kota, di lain pihak mereka juga korup dlm mnangani kasus2nya. Episode pertama adalah episode yg gak akan terlupakan sampe skarang.

Kalo suka film2 ttg polisi korup, ini lebih baik daripada yg laen. Kalo misalnya Training Day ada Denzel Washington, mnurut gue msh kalah sama seri ini yg ada Michael Chiklis yg gila emang brutal bgt. Dan msh lebih brutal daripada The Sopranos. Tapi kalo dia lagi brada di rmh brsama kluarganya, trlihat dia sangat sayang kpd kluarganya. Batas antara kebaikan dan kejahatan nyaris ga kliatan.

Ga pernah ada episode yg boring, smuanya slalu tegang/tense dan bener2 guncangin jiwa banget. Ini pujian trtinggi yg prnah gue kasih. Skarang The Shield uda nyampe season terakhirnya, yaitu season 7. I hope it would go out in a bang!