Hasil karya prequel dari J.K ROWLING, trmasuk para pengarang2 laennya spt NEIL GAIMAN, yg bocor di internet. Silahkan baca kalo bsa, soalnya ini tulisan tangan asli pengarangnya. klik http://www.waterstoneswys.com/ or click the handwritings.
Her story is set three years before Harry Potter's birth, and features the youthful wizard's father, James, and series character Sirius Black. The pair are confronted by two policemen after a high-speed motorcycle chase, and evade the authorities using their broomsticks and magic.
keciiiil bangeeeet....
Hampir2 tak tampak :P
800 words for 2 pages?
tulisannya sich ngga kecil2x amat, cm tulisannya ky resep dokter
di klik donks halamannya kalo kliatan kecil2. tp emang gue juga agak2 susah bacanya. not 2 pages, actually. it's one page FRONT and BACK.
g kbca...
yesss, thanks! dapet dari mana?
copy-paste dari http://www.snitchseeker.com/
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