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A picture of my family? Well, ini adalah gambar nyak gue. Skarang nyak adalah satu2nya kluarga gue scara bokap uda ga ada bbrapa taun yg lalu. Usianya beda 30 taun dari gue, cmn tampangnya kata org2 mirip anak2 kuliahan, soalnya emang awet muda bgt. Gue aja dkirain anak SMP... egghh... Blakangan ini jarang ktmuan, padahal serumah. Soalnya emang kita banyak ksibukan. Nyak tiap hari pngajian, arisan, ngemall, en kadang2 ntah ngurus apaan, en sering ngabisin waktu di rmh kakak2nya. Msh suka nyetir sndiri, tapi kadang2 suka males nyupir jadi kadang2 gue msti jadi supirnya. Tiap Minggu nyak suka ngajarin tmn2nya buat baca Al-Qur'an. Dari scara fisik, gue emang lbh mirip bokap -- wajah gue kata org cukup keras. Scara personality, gue sama nyak beda bgt dari sgala; hobi, makanan, warna, dll. Nyak demen bgt sama warna kuning, shingga rmh gue dari furnitur sampe gorden warnanya kbanyakan warna kuning sampe gue eneq. Tapi soal keras kepala en hard ass, gue rasa sama dg nyokap. Bukan brarti kita ga deket, justru kita cukup kompak bgt. Gue sama nyak emang independent biasanya. So... sekian
Sblum Hollywood bikin ni film, gue uda suka bgt sama fairy tale ini. Kisahnya cukup tragis, dan gue emang paling demen sama kisah romance yg agak2 tragis. Walopun biasanya di film anak2 mereka berakhir hepi ending, tapi kalo aslinya sbenernya enggak. Terus terang, gue emang GA BISA gambar binatang... so gue ga gambar angsa sama skali. Yg gue gambar adalah Prince Siegfried, Odille (Black Swan) dan Odette (White Swan) aja. Di konteks ini, Siegfried ga bsa mutusin sapa yg bakalan dia pilih utk cinta sejatinya.
Pada suatu hari Pangeran Siegfried sedang brjalan2 di hutan dan menemukan sbuah danau. Di tengah2 danau trdapat skumpulan angsa yg sedang berenang. Tapi Siegfried melihat bahwa ada salah satu angsa yg sangat cantik. Sang angsa juga mendekati Siegfried, dan menatapnya spt seorang gadis cantik. Siegfried lalu duduk di pinggir danau dan memperhatikan sang angsa yg berenang dg anggun. Ketika menjelang sore, para angsa mulai terbang dan meninggalkan danau. Tapi sang angsa cantik hanya berenang menuju ke daerah terlarang. Siegfried diam2 mengikuti sang angsa dari pinggir danau, dan sampai di sbuah kastil kumuh. Ketika bulan sudah muncul, sang angsa mulai berubah mnjadi seorang gadis cantik brnama Odette. Siegfried langsung jatuh cinta kpd Odette, dan melamarnya mnjadi istrinya. Hanya saja Odette menolak, karena takut oleh kutukan dari Rothbart, sang penyihir yg membunuh sluruh krajaannya serta orang tuanya. Odette kini dikutuk mnjadi angsa pada siang hari, dan manusia pd malam hari, serta harus kembali ke kastil.
Siegfried brjanji utk menolong Odette, mmbunuh Rothbart, dan mnghilangkan kutukan tsb. Odette mngatakan bahwa satu2nya cara utk mnghilangkan kutukan tsb adalah brsumpah utk mncintainya selamanya. Siegfried lalu brsumpah akan terus mncintainya, dan ia mngundang Odette utk datang ke pesta di istananya. Tanpa spngtahuan mereka, Odille mngtahui rncana mereka dan memperingati ayahnya, Rothbart. Rothbart dan Odille lalu pergi ke pesta Siegfried dg mnyamar mnjadi Odette dan ajudan. Siegfried lalu brdansa dg Odille, tanpa sadar bahwa ia dtipu. Di depan sluruh kerajaan, Siegfried lalu mngucapkan sumpah utk mncintai Odille slamanya. Odette yg trlambat datang, mndengar sumpah Siegfried dan langsung patah hati. Rothbart dan Odille lalu melepaskan pnyamaran mereka dan pulang ke kastil.
Siegfried merasa mnyesal dan mngejar Odette. Sluruh krajaan dan sang Ratu melarang Siegfried utk mnyusul Odette, karena Rothbart adalah penyihir mngerikan yg membinasakan sbuah krajaan. Siegfried lalu melepas tahtanya dan mngejar Odette sndirian. Di kastil Rothbart, Siegfried harus brtarung mati2an. Rothbart lalu mmberikan pilihan thd Siegfried; menikah dg Odille dan hidup, atau mncintai Odette tapi mati. Rothbart juga memberikan pilihan kpd Odette; menikah dgnya atau mlihat Siegfried mati.
Siegfried dan Odette harus memilih....
[SPOILER] Odette mengorbankan nyawanya dg melompat ke dlm danau dari atas tebing. Siegfried lalu juga ikut terjun ke dlm danau. Kekuatan sihir Rothbart dan Odille malah membuat mereka tewas trbakar karena kutukan itu brbalik ke mereka. Jiwa Odette dan Siegfried lalu terbang ke surga utk hidup selamanya. [/SPOILER]
Gmans gue ga demen sama fairy tale ini??? Romantis, tragis, brdarah2, banyak action, cinta yg bener2 gila bgt. Kaya Romeo & Juliet tapi lebih parah.
Awalnya crita ini adalah karya balet dari Tchaikovsky, sang komposer trkenal. Brawal dari balet, dan kini critanya sdh ada novel, film2, animasi, dll. Lagu 'Swan Lake' sangatlah trkenal karena mnggambarkan dua sejoli ingin brsatu.
Dgambar pake pulpen (karena gue ga nemu pensil!) makanya sering salah2 dan akhirnya kcapean sndiri. Di edit pake PaintNet (komputer gue kena virus! trpaksa donlot ga jelas) sama Paint. Framenya dari clipart aja, karena gue males gambar lagi. Gue ngrasa si Siegfried dan Odette ini mirip sama Galaxy Express 999, padahal ga sngaja...
Bener2 ga niat bikin komik ini. Brdasarkan pngalaman pribadi, kjadian ini trjadi kira2 sbulan lebih yg lalu ktika gue lagi Liner alias Lunch + Dinner bareng BFF gue di salah satu mall en kita brdua duduk di booth bareng2.
The royal wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William may have been over-hyped, but let's face it, it's like the Super Bowl for girls, gays and Brits and it only happens once in a blue moon, so how could we not get up at the crack of dawn to watch the breathless TV coverage? (It was also good preparation for how we'll have to wake up in the wee hours to watch the pentathlons, swimming competitions and rhythmic gymnastics from next year's Olympics in London.) If you opted to sleep in, here's what you missed:
The Arrivals Did I really need to get up before sunrise to see people drive through the streets of London in Rolls Royces? I wanted carriages, but I didn't get that until later. On the other hand, if I'd skipped this part, I would have missed the extended royal family showing up in mini-buses. Is there not a more glamorous means of transport? Are limos not an option? And I wouldn't have seen Kate's lame attempt at waving. She's going to be in parades for the rest of her life, so she should get practicing the slow pageant wave, or she's going to break her wrist waving wildly and foolishly like a little kid.
The Abbey Give the poor bored BBC cameraman extra credit: he shot Westminster Abbey from every angle possible and did this really cool upwards shot of the bells clanging. But my favorite was the shot from the top of the Abbey, looking down at the whole scene when Kate arrived at the altar. Really gave us a sense of scope. Though I could have done without all the swirling shots during the endless singing while the couple were off signing their official papers. Westminster looked beautiful, as we expected, and there were trees lining the aisle. That's right, trees blocking people's views more than the giant hats. Oh, and can the royals not splurge on some decent chairs? Most of the entranceway was filled with tacky looking black folding chairs. Only the people up by the altar got proper chairs with seatbacks. And how lame would it have been to be seated in the entryway and not even be able to see them tie the knot?
The Onlookers I've stood outside in Times Square on New Year's Eve before, so I realize that I shouldn't really throw stones here, but I think I'd be upset if I had camped outside for days and only saw a person in a car speed by. And even after the ceremony, only a portion of the masses saw the carriage parade, and those horses were moving so it was a bit of a blink-and-you-missed-it kind of moment. That said, it seemed like you could hear them screaming when the couple were pronounced husband and wife, and that was kind of cool. But still, that's some kind of crazy devotion.
The Hats Can America adopt this tradition? There were fantastic pieces of frill and whatnot on the tops of people's heads. I don't know if it was a strict rule, but Prime Minister David Cameron's wife Samantha showed up without one and aside from Maid of Honor Pippa, who had flowers in her hair, she was the only person who broke the hat tradition. It also seemed like a bit of an insult that she had showed up in a casual-looking dress with just a clip in her hair. But I'm not a Brit, so maybe I'm overreacting? Still, wear an ugly hat, people. It's fun!
The Singing My least favorite part of actual weddings is the songs. There are so many and they all sound the same. Here, they all went on forever and ever and those poor little choirboys who sang an anthem written just for the occasion had to do so in huge lace collars. At least they were kind of cute, even if they looked like pets that just had surgery, while the adult choir members were all overacting with their faces, clearly hoping to get on TV. Still, there's not much at a wedding that is more entertaining than watching the crowd of people mouthing along to the words to a song they clearly don't know. Elton John, I'm looking at you.
The Dress Let's face it, the main reason anyone tuned in to this was to see what Kate was wearing. And she looked lovely in her Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen gown. Then again, anything would be better than that puffy nightmare that Princess Diana wore when she walked down the aisle (those sleeves haunt my nightmares). And I'm glad that Kate opted to find something demure and sexy (she showed some cleavage, but there was lace covering her arms). Plus, it was figure flattering and she didn't try and have a 40-foot train to break some stupid record. And her veil was very delicate and lovely, attached to a tiara that she'd borrowed from the Queen. What other girl ever gets to say that on their wedding day?
Harry Did someone have to roll him out of bed to get to the church on time? During some portions of the ceremony, I could swear that he was asleep, or at the very least resting his eyes. Oh, the lucky girl that lands this narcoleptic young prince. Still, he did look nice in his suit, he's not balding like his newlywed big brother and he managed not to lose the ring (his big job), so good going there.
The Rest of the Royals Camilla was wearing the finest in old-lady wear and now that Kate's officially part of the family, Camilla's never going to get any more attention for her attempts at fashion. Prince Charles also looked bored and vaguely sleepy, which is perhaps where Harry gets it from. The Queen was sporting bright yellow, but she mostly there for the ceremony and to ride in the royal carriage version of the Pope-mobile after the wedding. I loved that she pretty much rushed everyone off the balcony later on -- clearly, someone couldn't wait to get down on the dance floor, or have I just been watching too much SNL?
The Ceremony Maybe it was the way that it was filmed, but there was some sort of odd soap opera quality about the actual "I do" portion of the wedding. Perhaps it had something to do with the stilted way that Wills and Kate repeated their vows. I'm sure they were nervous - there were only millions of people watching, after all -- but she was barely speaking above a whisper. She's really going to have to work on enunciating. There was a brief moment where it looked like William was having trouble putting the ring on his bride's finger, but it finally slipped on. And I thought it was odd that he had to face forward instead of watching his bride come down the aisle. Good for rebellious Harry for turning around and taking a peek. Neither Kate or Will seemed excited during the ceremony and it wasn't until the archbishop with the amazing eyebrows (a Harry Potter character if I've ever seen one) did the scarf-draping, hand-tying bit that they looked like they could breath. After they were pronounced man and wife, there were prayers and a bishop speaking about keeping God in their lives and then all of the secret backstage official paper signing. It all seemed a little anticlimactic, but I guess that's why the balcony reveal of the newlyweds is such a big deal.
The Middletons I don't care much about the Brits in general, but I would watch the hell out of a reality show that focused on Pippa and her family. The maid of honor looked stunning in a slinky white gown and very sleek hair. Kate's brother James was very attractive delivering his religious reading. Dad looked pretty dapper in his suit walking his daughter down the aisle and the mom looked amazing in a light blue suit with a hat. She put Camilla to shame. Points to the commoners here.
The Happy Couple After the ceremony, when Kate and Will walked out of the church and stepped into the horse-drawn carriage, they both started smiling and looked genuinely happy/relieved that it was over. By the time they stepped out on the balcony to greet the public and show their first smooch as man and wife, they were practically beaming. I'm not one for sappy endings, but that was kind of sweet.
The Fly Over You know what more weddings could use? Fighter jets. Watching the aircrafts buzz over Buckingham Palace was very cool and loud and a nice contrast to all the talk about hats and dresses.