John Travolta – Battlefield Earth
We should admire a man with such conviction in his religious beliefs. Right? Who else would agree to star in a sci-fi based on a novel written by the founder of made-up faith Scientology? Box-office bomb Battlefield Earth sees Travolta plays Terl, a humanoid alien with an even worse hairpiece than his usual one. Spt yg sdh dktahui, agama John Travolta adl Scientology, dan dia ingin sluruh dunia utk menonton film jelek ini. Gue prnah ntn film ini di bioskop, dan saking sepinya, tukang sampah mulai bersih2 di skitar gue. Akhirnya gue sama temen gue kluar dari teater tsb, dan masuk ke teater di sebelah gue ntn film yg laen.
Bruce Willis – Hudson Hawk
Now happy to live off cameos, back in 1991, Bruce was a star bar none. But not long after Die Hard 2, he almost threw it all away with a string of stinkers, including misjudged satire Bonfire Of The Vanities and Hudson Hawk, for which he co-wrote the Razzie-winning script, about a wise-ass burglar. Gue baru ntn film ini di salah satu TV di Indonesia. Jln critanya agak2 kacaw dan aktingnya jelek bgt, dan endingnya bikin gue terbengong2 ga jelas.
Jack Nicholson – Wolf
No other actor is as beloved by the Academy as three-times Oscar winner Jack. But even he is capable of putting star billing ahead of important things like, say, a script. Loopy lupine horror Wolf needed months of reshoots before it could be unleashed upon an unsuspecting public in 1994: poor us. Ntn film ini dan ngliat Jack Nicholson sbg Jack Nicholson. Ga ada bedanya sama sang aktor dg karakter yg dperankan.
Al Pacino – Gigli
No stranger to Shakespeare, Godfather Al still can't spot a decent script. Pacino can't be single-handedly blamed for the failure of flop rom-com Gigli, which made only $7m in the US despite the presence of 'Bennifer', but no-one held a gun to his head to make him play trigger-happy mobster Starkman. Did they? Sluruh film ini dan sluruh critanya serta para aktornya dan para karakternya luar biasa super jelek, so gue ga nyalahin Al Pacino saja. Hanya tolong donk pilih2 yg bijaksana kalo mo maen film.
Robert De Niro - Hide And Seek
The greatest actor in modern cinema, out-acted by a 11-year-old girl. De Niro, now so far from his glory days he could barely remember them, met his match in young Dakota Fanning. The hokey plot – all imaginary friends and lame last-reel twists – sucked, but Bob was too busy counting his cash to notice. Gue kurang suka dg Dakota Fanning, tapi dia bsa brmain lbh bagus di film ini daripada De Niro yg biasa2 aja.
Marlon Brando – The Island Of Dr. Moreau
He could have been a contender – but Marlon clearly chose quantity over quality. Less a shadow of his former self than a bouncy-castle version, Brando was clearly past caring when this tale of genetic tampering came calling. It's almost worth watching for Brando's clothes: a fat guy muumuu and a 'gangsta' do-rag. Eghh, slaen jln critanya yg ga masuk akal dan boring abis, special effectnya juga abal2.
Ben Kingsley – The Love Guru
One of the saddest sights of last year was seeing Sir Ben Kingsley reduced to playing a cross-eyed Indian stereotype called Guru Tugginmypudha in Mike Myers' painfully unfunny comedy. He played Gandhi, for goodness sake! What's more, he's a repeat offender: we've still not forgiven him for BloodRayne. Alamasyaa, gue miris2 bgt liat Ben Kingsley salah satu aktor favorit gue maen di film bginian. Uda ga lucu, jijay, dan rasis bgt. Gmans sihh???
Dustin Hoffman – Ishtar
One of the most spectacular flops in living memory – it lost over $40 million – desert comedy Ishtar was home to two stars who should have known better. Warren Beatty has only made five films in the 20 years since, but highly-strung Hoffman still can't shift the stink of the skeleton in his closet. Gue ga bsa komen soal film ini scara gue bln ntn, krn susah nyari filmnya. Tapi kalo emang sangat jelek, utk apa ya? Mngkin utk memuaskan rasa ingin taw.
Anthony Hopkins – Freejack
It was only after winning his Oscar for Silence Of The Lambs that Tony went psycho. How else could you explain his decision to appear in time-travelling thriller Freejack, alongside Mick Jagger and Emilio Estevez? The dismal flick sees his dying billionaire try to buy Estevez's healthy body – in futuristic 2009. Gue ga yakin gue prnah ntn film ini. Kalopun uda, mngkin uda gue hapus dari ingatan gue. Justru film jelek yg prnah gue liat dbntangi oleh Anthony Hopkins dan Chris Rock yg jelek bgt. Tau dehh apa namanya.
Russell Crowe – A Good Year
Like De Niro with Scorsese, Crowe has found a perfect pairing with Ridley Scott. But this vineyard-based rom-com, co-starring Marion Cotillard, proved to be too far from the comfort zone of either its star or director, and was branded a flop by studio head Rupert Murdoch within a week of release. Sour grapes, maybe? Sbenernya film ini ga jelek2 amat, tapi mngingat aktor dan sutradaranya trbiasa bikin film yg luar biasa, film ini ga menarik sm skali.
Ada tambahan mngkin?