Here we go again with the casting call. Apparently a new James Bond has already been chosen. Please meet the new agent 007, Daniel Craig. After grueling three years of speculation whose gonna play the next Bond in the movie "Casino Royale" after Pierce Brosnan retired, this blonde Bond wins the part. Personally, I don't like it. I may judge him too quickly, 'cause we haven't seen the movie yet - only the Bond actor.
But as far as the casting call, I don't think he's right for the part. First of all; he's BLONDE. He would be the first blonde Bond in the movie. Hair color can easily be manipulated, just dye the hair black if they want too.
But I doubt it. Secondly; I guess they're looking for the more tougher and harder Bond instead the usual suave ones. I am not sure whether that's the good decision, because Bond supposedly is a suave secret agent - not tough agent. Daniel Craig proven himself in movies such as "Tomb Raider" and "Layer Cake". Thirdly; I just don't feel it... Sometimes a certain actor is born for the part, you know like Harrison Ford as Han Solo, or Christopher Reeve as Superman (which is in the different subject - I'll post later). I don't feel him. I don't see him as James Bond. Fans already in uproar for this decision, making Daniel Craig as the new Bond. And that's not a good sign. Remember George Clooney as Batman? Yeah, exactly. But again....we have to wait and see. Maybe he's good, maybe he's not. Maybe we're judging him before we even see the performance. But I have a bad feeling about this. If we're gonna see a dark and tough James Bond with his nitty gritty and all, instead the usual suave, playboy persona and witty charm - I doubt fans will enjoy it. It might as well not James Bond, you know.
Pierce Brosnan was the last James Bond before Daniel Craig took over the mantle. I usually don't follow the mainstream, but I do agree that he was the perfect James Bond so far.
Charming, suave, handsome, cold, witty, etc - those ingredients about James Bond, which Pierce Brosnan really have it. Ten years ago when he first appeared in "GoldenEye", I thought he was superb. He really delivered the character into the screen. I first saw him in "Remington Steele" tv series, about this charming con-man slash detective, and I thought (I was a little girl back then) he should be James Bond. But he's older now, and I understand that the role of agent 007 is suppose to be a British man in his 30s. He's done most of the movies, and he's retired. That's okay, really. But it would be hard to find another perfect Bond like he was. He really was born for this iconic character, especially in the 90s. I've seen his Bond movies, and I could see his age really catching up on him. No longer the young and vibrant Bond, but more like older version of Bond which was getting tiresome. He made a right decision to retired and made way to a new Bond of the 21st century.
I wasn't paying attention during the 80s when they introduced Timothy Dalton as James Bond.
Apparently he was the perfect depiction of Bond according to Ian Flemming himself, as a cold calculated chauvinist agent 007. Fresh from cold war, he was suppose to be the perfect James Bond. I found him truly boring. Although he's handsome, his performance in this character did not bring the good quality whatsoever. I did not say he was bad James Bond. I'd say he was boring. And maybe the time wasn't right either. Maybe I was worn off from the whole glitters of James Bond at that time. His heroic effort was too much and too fierce, and apparently I found it just too blah. Pointless. Which was not his fault. Maybe he just wasn't right. On paper, he looked flawless. But reality is different, of course. I just wish they didn't waste his talent on this. But it was a good experience for him. I just didn't care enough.
Now, I'm going to get shot for saying this; I don't think Roger Moore was THAT good as James Bond. From all the actors who played this character, I found him the most fugliest of all. I'm not saying he's really fugly or anything... I just don't see him as James Bond. He was constantly
grinning all the time, so chauvinist, too much spreading the love and charm meters, brainless, and he wasn't as handsome as the others. He was Daniel Craig from the 70s. Granted, I wasn't even born during his reign, or maybe too little to remember. But I did watched Bond old movies. And I just hated it. He always saying the most corniest dialogues, stupid action scenes, girls forcefully flocking around him. And I heard he was being a diva during the set. Of course, a lot of people will disagree with me. Wait until you read my next Bond casting review. Anyway, when I watched Roger Moore as James Bond, I didn't find him attractive at all. James Bond supposed to be attractive because he has charisma. Well, I didn't find Roger Moore charismatic at all. He was forcing his character to be charismatic, it hurts. And he wasn't in his 30s either back then, he was in his 40s but again - trying to be young and fantastic. Didn't working, yo. To add the insult, he had brown hair. So I'm being a jerk here nitpicking an actor's haircolor. But, yeah. Hideous.
Again, I'm the only one whose saying this; I liked George Lazenby. I'm the only one apparently who liked him as James Bond. I admit, he wasn't perfect as James Bond - but I didn't find anything that most people saying about him as the weakest Bond ever. Whadaya' mean?!? Weakest Bond? Granted, when he broke the 'fourth wall' during the ski-chasing, I was cringing a bit.
But other than he was funny, charming, witty, a bit aloof sometimes, and all the Bond ingredients that supposed to work. But I know the reason most fans hated him was because he was James Bond after the original one. When fans were used to the original actor, a substitute or a new one usually didn't fit them properly - which is understandable. I mean, the situation is the same like in this 21st century as in the 60s. During the 90s, Pierce Brosnan was THE man. It was hard to actually having a replacement because the IMAGE of the previous actor who potrayed the character was so planted in our mind, it was hard to accept the new one. Same case with dear ole' poor George Lazenby. I didn't find anything that should make him a bad Bond. But then again, it was just me. His performance (the only performance as Bond) during "Her Majesty Secret Service" was unforgettable, 'cause I seen him as a truly rare human being. He fell in love and heart broken when his wife got killed. The only story beside "GoldenEye" that I actually really enjoyed. On physical appearance, I didn't find anything wrong with him. Tall, dark hair, handsome, young and vibrant in his 30s (he was actually in his 20s). Too bad it didn't work for him. I was hoping he would make a decent Bond, though.
Well, without Sean Connery there wouldn't be any James Bond. Just like THAT, he was born for this character. He's James Bond. I can't find anyone who says that he's not. Years later, he's still consider and recognized as the actor who played agent 007. That's a rare compliment. Kinda like Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones, Christopher Reeve is Superman, you can't see any other actors as James Bond. People will assume that he's the perfect cast for this role; which is funny because when he played the character, he didn't take it seriously. He usually just mumbling along his dialogue, he was soooo chauvinist back then and he still is now, but can't ignore the fact that he was so charming and suave...and maybe a bit drunk most of the time, whether on the set or even in the storyline, so cheesy, and his accent, I can't believe I bought his performance as Bond. In a 'perfect' world, I would have bash him silly, and called him the bumbling idiot. But no, I
won't do that. Hell no. He's so wrong he's perfect. He's so weird he's cool. He really balanced the character, which was laughable 'cause you won't see that kind of performance in the modern world. He was the bad boy personafication of James Bond, the anti lead role. What am I saying? He was so relax and played the character in a cool way, makes him the coolest James Bond ever. If you watch his Bond movies, most of them are so cheesy and corny ala Austin Power. But it works! When he uttered his name, "Bond. James Bond."I could tell he was bored, drunk maybe - probably had to repeat the same line over and over again - but it worked. Well, sometimes perfection was made during imperfection...or accidently...or just naturally. Physically, he was dashing as young Bond in his 30s. But I can't believe that he's still nail it after all this year as old Bond. He's in his 70s now, and I still can see him as James Bond. Seriously. Even with his white/grey hair and wrinkles, he's still sexy and charming. Hah, how many actors can you possibly say about that? An aging James Bond? Even Pierce Brosnan had to bow out because he's older now! But Sean Connery can pulled it. Amazing.
This is Ian Flemming's depiction about James Bond; a character he wrote:

1. He is tall young man in his 30s.
2. He has dark hair.
3. He is very suave and charismatic and sophisticated.
4. He is cold and calculated but a bit aloof.
5. He is very good with weapons and women.
6. He is sarcastic.
7. He has license to kill.
Now personally, I see Sean Connery and Timothy Dalton have physical resemblence - but this drawing was made during the 40s, so maybe Sean Connery really 'drawn' into this character. Modernization of the character is inevitable, and of course there will be modifications. But mostly are the same.
Now, on to personal casting call. There were MANY actors that linked to whose gonna play the next James Bond. Before Daniel Craig won the part, many actors were rumored to played James Bond; like Clive Owen, Eric Bana, Hugh Jackman, Orlando Bloom, Ewan McGregor, Jude Law, Collin Farrell, Adrian Paul, Julian McMahon, Daniel Radcliffe *roll eyes*, Hugh Grant, Ioan Gruffudd, Colin Firth, Christian Bale and many more. As I can't review all of these actors whether they good or not as James Bond, I will only review who I think should be James Bond:
1. Clive Owen
Please tell me he's so PERFECT as James Bond. I am so dissapointed when he REFUSED to be cast as James Bond. This role could catapult his status into stratosphere, but instead he chose not to be type cast. I can't believe his bold decision, because on paper and majority fans were buzzing around that he would get the part; which I think maybe he apparently did, but turned it down instead. Major move or major blunder, I have no idea. I understand his reluctant to be typecast, just like Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. Pierce Brosnan had to retire from this character and focus on other projects, but his image is so stuck in our mind. Now, Clive Owen is not even James Bond - but he's so perfect, I refuse to accept his refusal. Look at him! In the bizzaro world, Clive Owen is James Bond. Shame, really shame.
But as far as the casting call, I don't think he's right for the part. First of all; he's BLONDE. He would be the first blonde Bond in the movie. Hair color can easily be manipulated, just dye the hair black if they want too.

Pierce Brosnan was the last James Bond before Daniel Craig took over the mantle. I usually don't follow the mainstream, but I do agree that he was the perfect James Bond so far.

I wasn't paying attention during the 80s when they introduced Timothy Dalton as James Bond.

Now, I'm going to get shot for saying this; I don't think Roger Moore was THAT good as James Bond. From all the actors who played this character, I found him the most fugliest of all. I'm not saying he's really fugly or anything... I just don't see him as James Bond. He was constantly

Again, I'm the only one whose saying this; I liked George Lazenby. I'm the only one apparently who liked him as James Bond. I admit, he wasn't perfect as James Bond - but I didn't find anything that most people saying about him as the weakest Bond ever. Whadaya' mean?!? Weakest Bond? Granted, when he broke the 'fourth wall' during the ski-chasing, I was cringing a bit.

Well, without Sean Connery there wouldn't be any James Bond. Just like THAT, he was born for this character. He's James Bond. I can't find anyone who says that he's not. Years later, he's still consider and recognized as the actor who played agent 007. That's a rare compliment. Kinda like Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones, Christopher Reeve is Superman, you can't see any other actors as James Bond. People will assume that he's the perfect cast for this role; which is funny because when he played the character, he didn't take it seriously. He usually just mumbling along his dialogue, he was soooo chauvinist back then and he still is now, but can't ignore the fact that he was so charming and suave...and maybe a bit drunk most of the time, whether on the set or even in the storyline, so cheesy, and his accent, I can't believe I bought his performance as Bond. In a 'perfect' world, I would have bash him silly, and called him the bumbling idiot. But no, I

This is Ian Flemming's depiction about James Bond; a character he wrote:

1. He is tall young man in his 30s.
2. He has dark hair.
3. He is very suave and charismatic and sophisticated.
4. He is cold and calculated but a bit aloof.
5. He is very good with weapons and women.
6. He is sarcastic.
7. He has license to kill.
Now personally, I see Sean Connery and Timothy Dalton have physical resemblence - but this drawing was made during the 40s, so maybe Sean Connery really 'drawn' into this character. Modernization of the character is inevitable, and of course there will be modifications. But mostly are the same.
Now, on to personal casting call. There were MANY actors that linked to whose gonna play the next James Bond. Before Daniel Craig won the part, many actors were rumored to played James Bond; like Clive Owen, Eric Bana, Hugh Jackman, Orlando Bloom, Ewan McGregor, Jude Law, Collin Farrell, Adrian Paul, Julian McMahon, Daniel Radcliffe *roll eyes*, Hugh Grant, Ioan Gruffudd, Colin Firth, Christian Bale and many more. As I can't review all of these actors whether they good or not as James Bond, I will only review who I think should be James Bond:
1. Clive Owen

2. Eric Bana

3. Hugh Jackman
Very charming and very strong not to mention very calculated. Did I mention charming? After a rare discovery performance as Wolverine in "X-Men", I believe that this man should be the next James Bond. I don't have many reasons for saying that he's should be James Bond. He's very talented actor, a good Broadway singer (who would've thunk?)...I don't have anything else to say. An actor that playing James Bond should be able to pull off those charming meters and sophistication. Come on! 'Nuff said. But he's very busy with his Wolverine and other projects, maybe this is not the time to be James Bond...yet.
4. Julian McMahon

Other actors I considers to be James Bond: Gerard Butler and Matthew Goode (who refused the role - what the hell is wrong with these people?!).
Apparently they went under the radar. Gerard Butler mostly appeared in big movies, but as sidekicks like in "Reign of Fire" and "Tomb Raider" (I have a feeling Angelina Jolie might become a Bond girl). And then he appeared in "Phantom of the Opera"... maybe he should just stick with acting instead of singing... Yeah, please be James Bond. Don't sing. Matthew Goode on the other hand only have a one decent recognizition in "Chasing Liberty" with Mandy Moore. Not a good start. Teenage romantic movie rated PG13 is not a good way to in introduce yourself. Try R rated like Brad Pitt in "Thelma & Louise". If one of these guys could landed a role of James Bond, I think they would cemented their place in Hollywood as the leading men.